Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Just a post to bring you up to date on the status of the horses for sale here. Chickory, who was slated to go to Texas, had a laminitic episode the day she was to travel, so the sale was cancelled. We successfully treated her, and she is 100% sound, and has been sold to Alberta. She will be leaving in January. I'm kind of sad that I won't get to see her first foal being born, but the new owner has promised lots of photos.

Nitro (Shining Midnite Moon) is now living in Cranbrook B.C. with a possible future as a barrel horse.

Diamond Rio Peppy is still with us, he will be 2 in the spring and is a big boy. We haven't yet decided if he will remain a stallion or be gelded. we are hoping for a show career for him.

Coyote Belle and Gussie (Bar Dawn Sabre) are in foal for late March/early April foals. Gussie's foal will be for sale, and if Coyote Belle has another colt he will be for sale, but if it is a filly I'll be keeping her.

Gussie so far has thrown blue roans when bred to Beamer, so anyone interested in this foal should put the word in early- they sell fast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That foal looks so sweet and very beautiful. That's natural tendency, you can't deny the fact that you'll be messing her a lot.